Sunday 11 December 2011

Coming to the end of phase 1

Its Christmas time and I have one week left of my first placement. What an amazing experience! I have been welcomed with open arms, had great experience being a part of the English department. This placement has given me the chance to be an English teacher at the best I can for this stage. I have been teaching year 7, 8 and 9 with 3 schemes of work which I have either written fully or edited greatly to suit the ability of my variety of classes.

Assignment 1 of 3000 words on an area of subject weakness (in my case poetry) was hard work over October but things seemed to have calmed down since then...although OFSTED visiting didn't help stress levels! I was observed teaching, then watched with my mentor then interviewed alone... but we got an 'Outstanding' so I must have said the right things :-s Next is assignment 2... learning theories essay, which is due in February so not worrying too much at the moment, although panic buttons will start after xmas no doubt. I am looking forward to 2 weeks off at xmas just to chill, eat a lot, drink a lot and spend time with the family. Fresh faced and ready for phase 2 in January. After a month of a professional observation, OFSTED, moving house and my graduation tomorrow... I have survived with a smile on my face! :-)

My sister is looking at UCAS choices for University at the moment... I would not want to put myself in her shoes right now with the ridiculous tuition fees, limites places and the unknown landscape of the future of our education system. Fingers crossed the name of the University, type of course and location are perfect for her and higher education does her proud as it did me... watch this space!

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Key Quotes

In schools, the fear of ‘not getting it right’ can inhibit the imagination (Greig 2005:5)

Imagination is superior to the intellect as it enables the thinker to form new thoughts and discover new truths and build new worlds. (Craft 2002:80)

Imagination is not the same as creativity, creativity takes the process of imagination to another level (Robinson 2009: 67)

Creativity involves several different processes that wind through each other. The first is generating new ideas, imagining new possibilities, considering alternative options. (Robinson 2009:72)