Monday 3 October 2011

Educating Essex Ep1 & 2

An interesting look at modern secondary schools, behaviour management, views on exclusion, uniform and the role of teachers.
Interesting look at year 11's.

Mantra of school- "Nobody leaves school without enough qualifications to get a job." (Mr Goddard Head teacher Educating essex 2011 ep1)

"Teaching has got to be about making young people want to learn and letting them learn." (Mr Drew Educating essex 2011 ep1)

"I think it is grossly critical of adults in the modern age to say young people are worse, they are not worse they are a product of what we as a society create and they have less opportunity to be children."  Mr Drew (Educating essex 2011 ep1)

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Key Quotes

In schools, the fear of ‘not getting it right’ can inhibit the imagination (Greig 2005:5)

Imagination is superior to the intellect as it enables the thinker to form new thoughts and discover new truths and build new worlds. (Craft 2002:80)

Imagination is not the same as creativity, creativity takes the process of imagination to another level (Robinson 2009: 67)

Creativity involves several different processes that wind through each other. The first is generating new ideas, imagining new possibilities, considering alternative options. (Robinson 2009:72)