Monday 14 November 2011

An extreem example of gifted and talented

Documentary about 13-year-old Cameron, a socially-awkward maths genius with Asperger Syndrome who is trying to balance his ability with the classic teenage longing to be accepted.

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Key Quotes

In schools, the fear of ‘not getting it right’ can inhibit the imagination (Greig 2005:5)

Imagination is superior to the intellect as it enables the thinker to form new thoughts and discover new truths and build new worlds. (Craft 2002:80)

Imagination is not the same as creativity, creativity takes the process of imagination to another level (Robinson 2009: 67)

Creativity involves several different processes that wind through each other. The first is generating new ideas, imagining new possibilities, considering alternative options. (Robinson 2009:72)