Saturday 7 April 2012

The Unteachables

This programme is about a group of year 9 pupils who take part in a camp to improve their learning, it is really interesting and the lessons they have are interactive and fun. Although filmed a few years ago it is clear that there is still room in our current education system for such ideas and I intend to takes these into account especially with my disengaged pupils.

The Unteachables:

Revolutionary English teacher, Phil Beadle has just one weekend to try and get all 16 children to buy into the plan. He will assess their learning potential and try to get them on board with activities such as the 'dickhead game' and Kung Fu punctuation. Will he manage to win them over before chaos engulfs the project?

This four-part series features 16 underachieving and extremely challenging 13-year-olds, who have been labelled as 'disaffected' by the state education system. These apparently 'unteachable' kids are either completely disengaged or so abusive and disruptive in school that permanent exclusion is inevitable.
In this groundbreaking project, four leading teachers try to turn around these bottom-of-the-class kids, and inspire them to become hard-working pupils with a future.

Key Quotes

In schools, the fear of ‘not getting it right’ can inhibit the imagination (Greig 2005:5)

Imagination is superior to the intellect as it enables the thinker to form new thoughts and discover new truths and build new worlds. (Craft 2002:80)

Imagination is not the same as creativity, creativity takes the process of imagination to another level (Robinson 2009: 67)

Creativity involves several different processes that wind through each other. The first is generating new ideas, imagining new possibilities, considering alternative options. (Robinson 2009:72)